
воскресенье, 1 июня 2014 г.

Theatre. Сhapters 15-18

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:
condescending letter – снисходительное письмо
pearl studs –
жемчужные запонки
peevish –
make head or tail of it –
ничего не понимать
fatuous irony –
глупая ирония
to get back on sb –
отделаться от кого-то
song and dance –
сцена, скандал
to spend a lot on green fees –
тратиться на аренду поля для гольфа
despicable –
to give sb a treat –
доставить кому либо удовольствие
to wheedle sb into –
впутывать кого-то во что-то
prudishness –
to take liberties with sb –
вести себя развязно с кем-то
to grudge sb –
conspicuous –
to take the rough with the smooth –
стойко переносить превратности судьбы
to have a joke up your sleeve –
держать шутку наготове
to mortify sb –
disconcerted –
II. Explain the following metaphors. Who do they refer to?
It won't hurt him to discover that I'm not all milk and honey. – These were Julia’s words when she thought that she had gon too far to humiliate Tom by sending him money.
I'm not the woman to desert a sinking ship. – These are  Dolly’s words. She didn’t want to ruin Julia’s reputation by spreading rumors about her love affair with a young boy.
III. Give a character sketch of Dolly de Vries. Pay special attention to the description of her appearance: "Dolly de Vries was now a woman of sixty. …and a slight cockney accent revealed itself." Dwell on her relationship with Michael and Julia. How did she feel about Tom?
Dolly de Vries was now a woman of sixty. She was very fat, and her face, with its large nose and heavy red lips, seemed larger than life. There was a slightly masculine touch in her black satin dress, but she wore a double string of pearls round her neck, a diamond brooch at her waist and another in her hat. Her short hair was dyed a rich copper. Her lips and her finger-nails were bright red. Her voice was loud and deep, but when she got excited the words were apt to tumble over one another and a slight cockney accent revealed itself. She adored Julia, but didn’t like Michael as well as she didn’t like Tom, because he grabbed all Julia’s attention.
IV. Speak on Julia's reputation and talent. Do you agree that no one expects an actress to be a pattern of propriety?
Julia is a great actress, whom a lot of people adore and almost worship. She earned a brilliant reputation of a faithful wife and a wonderful in all the aspects woman. I don’t agree with the statement that no one expects an actress to be a pattern of propriety, because many fans want to be similar to their idols.
V. Answer the questions:
1. Why did Julia offer Tom the money for servants' tips? Do you think she made the right decision?
She did it to humiliate him and she was wrong having done such a thing.
2. Did Julia manage to induce Tom to see her again after that?
Yes, but she herself was humiliated.
3. Did Dolly believe that Julia didn't have a lover? Why?
Yes, because she noticed how Julia dealt with Tom.
4. Whom did Dolly finally decide to talk to about Julia's cheating?
She decided to talk to Michael.
5. Why did Dolly not confess to Michael that she suspected Julia of having a love affair?
Because she didn’t want to ruin Julia’s reputation.
6. Why did Michael suggest buying Dolly's share out?
Michael suggested buying Dolly’s share out, as he thought the woman could suffer from Julia’s ruined reputation
 7. What was the reason for Dolly's desperate jealousy?
Because she wasn’t the only person who wanted to help Julia.
 8. How did Dolly try to convince Julia that Tom was not very discreet?
She told Julia that he used her to please another girl. And that she dealt with her like with a toy.
 9. Why couldn't Julia fall asleep after the lunch with Dolly?
Because she missed Tom.
VI. Summarize the events of chapters 15-18.

Julia got back the money sent to Tom. She pleaded him to come to see her and they renewed their relationships. Then it became clear that people talked about Tom and her. Her admirer Dolly de Vries talked to Michael, but finally didn’t confess him that Julia had a lover. After that she talked to Julia herself and pointed out that Tom just used her for his own purposes.

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